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Crown Estate Scotland launches ScotWind seabed leasing round for offshore wind

Last Updated on 08th January 2024

Crown Estate Scotland, manager of Scotland’s seabed, has announced (on 10th June) the launch of the first of a series of leasing rounds for offshore wind projects that will seek to award up to 10 GW of capacity.

The ScotWind Leasing round is anticipated to bring more than GBP 8 billion (USD 10.2 billion) of investments, enough to save more than 6 million tons of CO2 per year. These offshore wind sector projects come as part of the country’s goal of being net-zero by 2045.

Investors and developers can register interest in obtaining an 'option agreement' with Crown Estate Scotland from 10th June. This process eventually leads to the signing of leases for areas, which will be outlined as suitable in the Scottish Government’s Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy. Developers will be required to submit a supply chain development statement in their applications in order to outline their intentions on using the supply chain. 

Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse commented, “The launch of ScotWind – the first offshore wind leasing round to be administered in Scotland – is a very important milestone for Crown Estate Scotland and Scottish Ministers, but also marks another pivotal moment for the development of our offshore wind sector and also presents an opportunity to help develop our strategic economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” 

John Robertson, Crown Estate Scotland’s Head of Energy & Infrastructure commented, “Today is a huge step forward in kick-starting Scotland’s green recovery, meeting net-zero targets and bringing multi-billion pound investments to benefit communities across the nation. Offshore wind is currently one of the cheapest forms of new electricity generation, and Scotland is perfectly poised to host major new projects, with a well-established energy skills sector as well as some of the best natural marine resources in Europe.”  

This is part of our Wind Intelligence Service and Project Tracker Services. For more details about the services, please get in touch here. 

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