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Oman On Track To Become The World Leader In Green Hydrogen And Green Ammonia Owing To A Massive Green Fuels Project.

Last Updated on 08th January 2024

In a statement, OQ, the Sultanate of Oman's global integrated energy company, InterContinental Energy, the leading dedicated green fuels developer, EnerTech, and a Kuwait government-backed clean energy investor and developer, announced that they are working on an integrated green fuels mega project in Oman. The collaboration has been working on the project for more than three years, which will include 25 gigawatts (GW) of renewable solar and wind energy operating at full capacity to produce millions of tonnes of zero-carbon green hydrogen every year.

Since 2019, the Consortium has been conducting wind and sun monitoring analyses in the Governorate of Al Wusta in Central Oman. The project is also near the coast for seawater intake and electrolysis. The hydrogen produced can be used locally, directly exported, or converted into green ammonia for international trade.

Demand comes from the shipping industry, which requires green ammonia to meet its significant decarbonization needs, the aviation industry, which will use synthetic fuels made from green hydrogen, parts of the ground transportation sector, such as rail and trucking, which are expected to adopt green hydrogen as a fuel source, and heavy industry in areas like northwest Europe that will use green hydrogen as a fuel source.

Furthermore, power firms in East Asia that have historically relied on coal and gas are planning to switch to green ammonia in order to minimize carbon emissions.
To obtain long-term product sales agreements, the consortium partners will use their extensive commercial contacts and collaborations. The development is well-positioned to offer a secure and reliable supply of green fuels globally at a highly competitive price, given the site's strategic location between Europe and Asia, as well as exceptional solar irradiation and wind resource facing the Arabian Sea according to the statement.

Earlier in December 2020, OQ announced the start of the HYPORT Duqm Green Hydrogen project in the Special Economic Zone of Duqm, Oman, in collaboration with Belgium's DEME Group.


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