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Mitsubishi to employ 45 megawatts of solar energy to power Lawson stores in Japan

Last Updated on 08th January 2024

Mitsubishi Corp of Japan stated on Monday that it has signed an off-site power purchase agreement (PPA) with Lawson Inc, a Japanese convenience store operator, to supply Lawson sites with 45 MW of new solar installations.


Mitsubishi said it will hire West Holdings Corp to construct the solar farms and sell the energy generated to Lawson. Starting in April 2022, the solar arrays will power around 3,600 Lawson stores in the Kanto-Koshin district and the prefectures of Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, and Mie. 


In the future, the companies hope to increase their renewable energy supply to service 8,200 stores across Japan.


The planned solar facilities will be one of the largest erected under an off-site PPA in Japan, according to the release.


The agreement is in line with Lawson's environmental vision, "Lawson Blue Challenge 2050!" which calls for a 50% reduction in per-store carbon dioxide (CO2) by 2030 and a 100% reduction by 2050.


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