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A Mothballed Wyoming Refinery Is Set To Revive As A Renewable Energy Plant

Last Updated on 08th January 2024

Slate Refining LLC, a subsidiary of Slate Energy Marketing LLC, has reached a deal with Starwood Energy Group Global Inc. to convert a 3,800-b/d mothballed refinery in Douglas, Wyo., in the Powder River basin, into a renewable fuels production plant.


According to Starwood Energy, once the refinery is reconstructed, it will be able to generate a mix of more than 100 million gal/year of renewable fuels, including renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel, and arctic diesel for both the US and Canadian markets.


The converted refinery's production of high-grade, low-carbon fuels is part of Starwood Energy and Slate's mission to provide viable renewable fuel solutions to meet rising customer demand for industry efforts to expedite decarbonization projects and help reach carbon neutrality.


While neither Starwood Energy nor Slate provided a timeline for when the reconfigured refinery may be operational, Slate stated on its website that the project to convert the former conventional-crude processing plant into a renewables producing site is now underway.


The sorts of renewable feedstocks that will be handled at the converted refinery are still unknown.


The Douglas refinery—formerly owned by Antelope Refining LLC—officially discontinued crude oil processing activities in early 2015 before its final shutdown in December 2016, according to the US Energy Information Administration. It was purchased by Slate in 2019 and has since operated as a terminal.


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