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Eku Energy Announces First Battery Storage Project in Japan

Last Updated on 24th June 2024

Eku Energy unveiled the Hirohara Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), located in Oaza Hirohara, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. The 30MW/120MWh battery is Eku’s first in Japan, and the company has agreed to a 20-year offtake agreement for the project with Tokyo Gas.


Hirohara Battery Energy Storage System project render


Construction is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2024 and the battery energy storage system will begin its operations in July 2026. Once live, the BESS will be capable of storing enough electricity to power approximately 63,000 households for four hours.


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MUFG Bank has arranged project financing, which is the first battery storage project. Under the offtake agreement, Eku Energy will own the BESS, while Tokyo Gas will own 100% of its operating rights for 20 years, with Eku Energy responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the facility.


Eku Energy is working across the full project life cycle to develop, build, and manage battery storage projects around the world, with a presence in the UK, Australia, Japan and Italy.  Recently, Eku Energy started the construction of a 130 MWh battery storage facility in the UK. The company aims to grow its battery storage portfolio in Japan and support the country’s Green Transformation (GX) targets by combining its global expertise, technology and commercial knowledge.


About Japan's Green Transformation (GX) Targets

Japan's Green Transformation (GX) is a strategic initiative aimed at transforming the country's entire economic and social system from a structure dependent on fossil fuels to one driven by clean energy. The primary goal of this initiative is to drive economic growth and development through emissions mitigation.


The GX strategy is centered around three key initiatives:


Growth-oriented carbon pricing

This includes the issuance of GX transition bonds to realize USD 960 billion  worth of public-private GX investment over the next ten years.


Integrated regulatory and assistance promotion measures

These measures aim to stimulate effective private investment by combining regulations and systems with government funding procured from GX transition bonds.


New financing methods

These methods encourage green financing to realize GX investment. Examples include expanding the use of transition financing globally, particularly in Asia, and utilizing a combination of public financing and private investment.

Read: GIGA Storage Secures Approval to Construct 600 MW BESS Project in Belgium

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